Did I give you a clue as to whom my spotlight is on? The picture the right speaks volumes of what reaction Lone Dreamer elicits from me. On her blog you will find a range of subjects from her cute little everyday mishaps, the most memorable being her slaying of the Somali language to touching moments, like memories of her father. She is a profound writer. One who is able to give you a glimpse at the tumultuous waters that are raging within before shutting the shutters on you. Lone Dreamer couples breadth with quality, making for an interesting and stimulating read,with an end result of HMMM.... Kudos to her, because I do believe she is one of our most up to date blogs not to mention greatest supporter of SomaliBlogs. Lone Dreamer seems to never run out of things to say (write) nor do we ever want her to. Keep on musing!
Good one, SD!
I love everything about Lone Dreamer - her biting remarks, gripping stories, semi rants and all-around lovely posts.
Gorgeous blog!
Keep writing, Dreamer!
I love dreamer's style of writing. She always has something interesing to say.
As Firefly said an 'all-around lovely blog'
Continue writing dreamer!
About time Dreamer got the recognition she deserves. She is amazing and she writes really good reflective, sincere posts.
Kudos Dreamer and keep bloggin!
I love the way she manages to keep her writing simple yet enthralling... Keep up the good work girl.
Marvellous writing, keep it up hun!
Dreamer is amazing. She is one of those people who make you wish you that you knew them...
Good work Dreamer...keep on writing!
Stumbles to the stage, vision blurred with tears and bawling with gratitude
'Thank you, thank you so much! You really, really like me! Oh my god. I don't know what to say. I dreamed of this moment for so long. Ever since this site was created and the reviews were started, I kept waiting for my turn and for someone to recognize me. I never believed that I could be here. This shows that if you can believe, baby you can achieve. I would like to thank God above all for giving me my talent. I would like to thank everyone who has helped me on this journey. I would like to thank Brad Pit for no particular reason other than for existing. For my fans, without you I woudnt be here. Thank you and god bless'
*starts sobbing with joy*
Hahaha Dreamer! You would like to Brad for existing! loool what if he didn't?
Keep writing!
Hi salutations a tous les blogeurs soumailens
assalamu aliakum i was wondering ifthere are any somali mom blogs out there? i am a hopeful mom to be and i would love to know other somalis blogging about expecting or pareting...i searched the links but i can't find any?
maybe do a post inviting those with kids who to start blogs or those who dont write about them to do so?
i dont know
^^^There is a blogger in here who is a mom and blogs. She lives in Egypt but I am not sure if she is back to blogging yet. I will see what we can rustle up for you dear.
To our wonderful moderators: Firefly, Shafi, Sleep Depraved and Flower of Chaos...where have you guys been? We were promised some wonderful posts by you and lately there has been nada :( ... We are still patiently waiting....
Be patient child. We are diligently working behind the scenes. Actually, I do want to apologize, I usually post the reviews on the blogs and I haven't finished reading the blog I am reviewing next. Its an older blog that has been around for a number of years. I promise I will have it up ASAP.
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