Hello everyone,
Just want to take this opportunity to welcome the newest additions to our corner of Blogsphere; Nonchalante, Mr. A. Shirwa, Ihsaan, Admin, Hombre, Sam and Flight-13.
The same welcome goes to recent additions The Two Advocates, The Calm Optimist, Dee Nooh, Angry Somali Man, Shirwa Jama, Lone Dreamer, Somali Canadian, Idil, Xquizit Dreams, 5F and Filsan
Of course, the welcome also extends to all the established bloggers who didn't get one when they found their way to this watering hole.
Keep up the good work!
I like orange...
asalamu alaikum
Hey Welcome to all !!!! our lil community is getting bigger!
^ Welcome. Nice Blog.
Anonymous comments have been enabled.
Welcome Complex Waryaa/Sam. You've a lovely blog.
I LOFF the new Template...FOC and SD were the brain child behind this genius idea and indeed FF has been a wonderful addition quite a refreshing breeze...GOOD JOB LADIES...LOVE IT...mashallah...ciao ciao for now
new template is actually neat...save for the oh-so-tiny font. :) do take in to consideration that some folks *like me* are about as blind as they come....so yea, bigger font?
^_^wlc to all new bloggers!! place is getting bigger mashallah...lots more to read.
I'm digging the new look...good work guys...font size is perfect too.
I diggg the new look...sweet. Good job guys...
^ Thanks peeps. Glad you like it. Will see what I can do about the font size.
how come my blog isnt updated when I make a new post?
mumbles 'it's a conspiracy I tell you'...
personally i prefer the new look. far better and the spots we decent .. refer bak or least improve this one.
^^ meant i prefer the old loo ... can't me for me dyslex
^What exactly dont you like?
For the peeps with the little eyes, the fonts should be 6% bigger now :). If you still cant see... invest in a lil computer screen magnifying glass.
FLower of Chaos, are you telling us that 6% bigger is that noticable?
By the way welcome me too :D
erm.. just checked. its 9% :D
Hombre, urm, I think you've been welcomed already.
Dreamer, some blogs don't update automatically, they have to be updated manually on Blog Roll. Just let us know when you post something new and you'll be updated (although I read ur blog often enough to keep up).
I like the new look as well. Well done FOC
6% is making a difference. Things are a lot more clearer. Less strain on my behalf....
Like the new look by the way...
Thanks for enabling other and anonymous comments flower.
And welcome to everyone...place is getting bigger.
Howdy folks...thanks
The new template really is much better.....
Goodstuff! the font is much better no....just peachy
wlc to all!
Great addition indeed! Welcome Aboard Firefly - no wonder this place is lively once again lol. SD and FoC, don't you think you need a man's input too, considering that you now have three females contributing! I say bring a man on board. what do you say? hahaha..
Also, i have updated both my blogs (peaceofmind.blogspot.com and http://shafi.aahey.com) but they don't seem to be appearing on the Blog Roll's updating system.
^ Blogrolling takes a bit of time to update.
About having a guy in the team...hmmm.
What could a guy do that we girls cant? I'm only asking because I dont fancy having a 'symbolic' man for the heck of it. Besides, everything you guys touch turns to dust. :P
In seriousness, you're welcome to join if you want Shafi.
Flight-Thirteen, thanks for the luv. Your blog is hilarious. I enjoy your stories.
Shafi, thank you. I think it would be great to have a male contributer as well. The more the merrier as they say.
Flight13 Its the new age son, I am taking applications for baby daddy's not tryna b a baby mama. Lmao @ you and your AR crew.
Shafi Where have you being? I was about to send an SOS one of these days. I don't mind a man join the team except erm can we make a show out of it? Like one of those shows.
Salaan Sare Dhamaan,
FoC, thats discrimination! Besides there's plenty a man can do that a woman can't, you know. Dumar, With their erratic mood swings might neglect the SomaliBlogs corner for any other shining object that attracts their ephemeral attention span! loool Just kidding!
Firefly, I think having you as the third contributor is wonderful enough. You girls are doing great - keep up the good work.
SD, Glad to hear that someone is caring enough to have thought about sending me an SOS but never got down to doing it! Thank you SD! lol As for the show, i think we won't need one, You girls can manage quite well.
Now we will expect a more regularly updated blog with diverse topics, since we now have three diverse individuals for the job!
Assalamu 'alaykum warahmatullahi wa baraktu,
Subhana'Allah, my second time visiting here and see our blog posted here, it was quite unexpected but alhamdulilah. Jazakumu'Allahu khairan dhaaman :)
how does one join this club
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