Did I give you a clue as to whom my spotlight is on? The picture the right speaks volumes of what reaction Lone Dreamer elicits from me. On her blog you will find a range of subjects from her cute little everyday mishaps, the most memorable being her slaying of the Somali language to touching moments, like memories of her father. She is a profound writer. One who is able to give you a glimpse at the tumultuous waters that are raging within before shutting the shutters on you. Lone Dreamer couples breadth with quality, making for an interesting and stimulating read,with an end result of HMMM.... Kudos to her, because I do believe she is one of our most up to date blogs not to mention greatest supporter of SomaliBlogs. Lone Dreamer seems to never run out of things to say (write) nor do we ever want her to. Keep on musing!